Berserk Button: Some enemies do not take kindly to any skill

Half Truth: Ford observing that Angel looks older than Buffy, to which Xander answers, «You’re not wrong.» Buffy introduces them, and Ford exclaims that Angels hand is cold. Xander: «You’re not wrong.» Buffy apologizing for beeping Giles during his date, and Giles telling her she did the right thing, a little too enthusiastically. Miss Calendar picks up on that, and says she thought monster trucks would be a change of pace, to which Giles mutters, «It was a change.» Hey, Wait!: Willow very obviously acting jumpy around Ford.

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Celine Cheap The Beastmaster: Summoners, via Summon Magic. Easily reaching Minion Master levels. Berserk Button: Some enemies do not take kindly to any skill that requires Clear Cube Fragments (which is any skill gained after level 35) and will respond with a reactionary skill, which tends to be a super powerful attack or defensive move. BFG: The Gunner can equip this type of weapon. The Launcher specializes in them. («Subweapons») BFS: The Slayer can equip this type of weapon, known as the «Zanbato» weapon class. Celine Cheap

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