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A home-made croissant is served
Croissant sfogliati – Preparation of the leavened dough
The one with the so-called leavened dough is a technique to ensure that leavening takes place more quickly and has the maximum prepare the leevitino you will need:
225 g of water
500 g of flour
70 g of brewer’s yeast
Croissant sfogliati – The dough
Important: it is advisable to add the liquids (milk and eggs) a little at a time to ensure that the dough is as smooth as possible and additionally the amount of liquid needed (milk and eggs) may vary depending on the type of If we use a type of strong flour (high protein value) ) we will add more liquid: if we have a weaker flour we will need less. The butter should be added at the end of the dough, a little at a time and when it is already To prepare the dough you will need: 1 kg of flour 00
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150 g of butter
450 g of whole eggs
300 g of fresh whole milk
30 g of salt
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